Sunday, September 7, 2008

My beautiful wonderful kids

Tonight my baby wanted to nurse, and my little girl didn't want to come upstairs with me so I could put the baby to bed. She'd wanted to help mix up the tortilla dough I'd just finished doing, but her sister had beaten her to it. She wasn't happy about that. She took the whisk that she'd wanted to use, and tried to bend it. She slapped it on the chair. I didn't reprimand her because the whisk was bent already anyway. She wasn't hurting it. She slapped it on the counter, and I told her, Jaidyn, I want you to be able to mix something. When I come back down, I will get something for you to mix.
No! Now! was her 'no nap today, 4 year old' response. I stayed calm and patient. Jaidyn, I said, I cannot do that right now. What do you want to do while I put Nathan to sleep? Do you want to lay down with us? Or do you want to watch a movie?
I want you to watch the movie with me, she said. We had reached a compromise. No spanking. No screaming at her, she stopped screaming at me, and we walked upstairs together. We put in Hello Kitty. Nathan nursed, we watched Hello Kitty, and I saw a glimpse of my little girl growing up. Sailor Moon was the commercial at the beginning of the video. There are different girls on the Sailor Moon show, but Jaidyn says that she likes Sailor Moon the best because she thinks she is the prettiest. Age 4, and she's saying she wants to be like the one she thinks is the prettiest. She looked so beautiful with her little round face, big round blue eyes, and her frame of straight light brown hair. I basked in the peacefulness of our relationship.

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