Tuesday, October 4, 2011

On becoming an author...on becoming Self Employed!!

I have just realized that one of my favorite ways to write is also a way that just seems to flow from my mind through my pen... journaling, or first person perspective, or writing in the first person... is a specialty of mine.
What's to say that I can't get paid for writing from the first person perspective?
My first thought was a "Diary" series.. like, the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books... or some such.
I am determined to be self employed. That is my goal. to be free. to excercise my freedom in the realm of supporting myself. I will be Self Employed. Maybe I will be a Jill of many trades... Maybe I will be a traveling RN? maybe I will work two 12's a week, and write on the side... or do pastry art on the side?
Maybe I will work out with the Hollow Creek Cafe, a weekend deal? something where I sell pastries on the weekends? or I do a pastry class? something to draw people in? While not working a traditional job, I should have the time to come up with ideas like this!

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