Saturday, February 11, 2012

I've Come a Lonnnngggg Way, Baby.

It's with hesitation that I post this, as although it has been years since I have functioned as a dependent person, it is still somewhat embarassing to put it out there. but for others who maybe suffering from this personality disorder, I will. It has taken me years to move past these issues begun in my childhood, but I feel that I am entering the end stages....

I've come a lonnggggg way, baby.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Here I Grow Again!

I think I like that as a title of a new blog... not sure why I want to start a new one... maybe because this one is all cluttered up with un-posted posts that are more private than to be put out in the public eye..
Anyway, whether I do it anytime soon or not, I'll keep it in mind every time I see this particular post.

I felt the statement bubble up as my fb status after reading this:

I've been thinking unschooly thoughts lately about my kids and about my life. I enjoy the fact that I am making more money right now than I ever have... but I don't want my life to be about making money.
I want my life and my kids lives to be about following our passions. Some of my passions include: Helping my kids develop and live their life plans and education, self educated or "formally" educated, helping babies live a more comfortable life, helping moms have more comfortable, healthier, less anxious pregnancies, births, and lives with their kids, writing, living healthy, becoming more fit, eating well and deliciously, staying active, reading, learning, relaxing and most of all loving....
This website opened up another portal of possibility for all of these things.....