Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Life's Seasons

Spring and Summer,
Winter, Fall,
Seasons come and go.

The older I get
The more I learn
The more I want to know.

Experience begets
Love, laughter,
sorrow, and pain.

Memories, moments
Fall Away, Still...
the emotions left over
Hold their sway.

We love, we fight
we smile, we cry,
we struggle
we rest
we live
we die.

The Flow

Life goes on,
We ebb and flow
Times of growth
and times of slow

Ever reaching
Higher still
Evolving, Changing
Only as we Will.

Written at the Kalahari UWWG (unschoolers winter waterpark gathering)

The Spiritual Link between Birth and Death

Aunt Bev, Aunt Nonan, and all who shared Aunt Dorie's passing, this passage is written for you.
I am compelled to share the feeling that came over me, as I entered Aunt Dorie's hospice room a few days before her death.
There was a calm I'd expected after talking with Aunt Nonan prior to coming, but a familiarity in that calm that surprised me.
I needed to record what I learned in the short half hour I was there that evening. Bear with me as I make the connection between
two of life's great passages:

The Peaceful Cycle

Birth is such a spiritual process
When played out Naturally
Unbroken by intervention,
Bid Welcome.
No emergency, just a natural passage.

The Calm, the Steadfast Calm
The Pain Endured, in Silence shared

The Interconnection of our Souls palpable
The Love we share Empowering us.

The Laborer Surrounded and Strengthened
By family, Until the end comes....

Let the bells ring! We Celebrate!
A finished Work, A Life Begins!
And the cycle continues....

As in Birth, so in Death:

Dying is such a spiritual process
Unbroken by Intervention, Bid Welcome.
No emergency, just a natural passage
The Laboring Loved One suffers
Surrounded and Strengthened by Family

The Calm, the Steadfast Calm
The Pain Endured, in Silence shared,

The Intertwining of our Souls Palpable
The Love we share Empowering us.

Let the bells toll, We Celebrate.
A finished Work. A Life Lived.
And the cycle continues....

I felt such peace when I sat next to Aunt Dorie and held her hand. That peace was reflected in the eyes of our family along with the tiredness, and the sadness. I want to honor the Strength, Grace, and Beauty I saw in Aunt Dorie and her supporters. Thank you all for showing her your devotion. I love you.